Lee High School student publication, Orange Ink, is back and seeking submissions for the first semester edition. We are seeking creative work of all kinds to publish and show the world your talent - all types of art work and writing styles. Please see Mr. Schueler or Mrs. Clark for additional information or help.
The following college reps will be at LMHS this week, you can sign up on Naviance to meet with them: University of Albany SUNY, Keene State College, Castleton State College, and Worcester State College. Scholarships are now being posted on Naviance.
Students who have not registered your cars for parking permits, please see Mrs. Baker today.
The 26th Construct Walk for the Homeless will be Sunday, October 19th, 2014. Registration 12:30 p.m., the walk is at 1 p.m. at Butternut in Great Barrington. For more information please see Mrs. Brouker
Feeling creative? Mrs. Clark will be posting art contest information on the wall outside the art room throughout the school year. Currently there are two contests - one "space themed" and the other focused on "climate change". Please visit the art room for supplies and additional information!
Student planners are now available free on a first come, first serve basis for high school students. Please stop by Mr. Brighenti's office if you are interested getting one.
Grades 9-12 students who are interested in helping with Community Suppers please see Mrs. Carroll or sign up in the main office.
The directors from Shakespeare and Company will be here today (9/19) during both lunches to meet with any students interested in joining the drama program.
Anyone who purchased a yearbook last year and has not received a copy of the spring insert can stop by Mrs. Armstrong Room to pick up a copy.
Sign-ups for Quiz Team, Mock Trial, and Decathlon are in the main office.
Anyone interested in attending the BCC College Fair on Thursday, October 2nd can sign up in the guidance office. There will be a $3 bus fee.
The LYA Homework Help program will be in room A110 (Mrs. Haven’s room) Mon.-Thurs. at 2:30 p.m.
Attention all 18 year olds: Voter registration cards will no longer be available in the guidance office. You must register in person at your town clerk's office.
Any male student who is 18 is required by law to register for selective service within 30 days of turning 18 and you must register to be eligible for financial aid.
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Stuffed crust pizza or deli and salad bar