Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Daily Announcements for Tuesday, 11/18/14

The 10th Annual Gingerbread House competition will be held on Sunday, December 14th from 1 to 3pm at the Lenox Town Library.  Adults, families and students are welcome to enter the competition. This year’s theme is the ‘Nutcracker sweet home’.  Information and registration forms are available in the main office and Mr. Duquette's office.

The junior class is having their third annual Thanksgiving bread sale.  Order forms are in the main office. Cranberry nut, pumpkin or banana breads are available for $5 each.  Order forms and payment can be given to Mrs. Amy Verdi or Mrs. Patel or a junior class officer by this Friday.  Breads will be delivered next week on Tuesday before the Thanksgiving break.

Any girls who have clothes in the girl's locker room, please take them home.

Seniors who signed up for the December 3rd Lola Jaffee trip are reminded to get permission slips to Mrs. Verdi today. If you are unable to go, please let her know by then also.

Ms. Long in room C102 will be offering an after-school group focusing on stress reduction and coping with anxiety.  It will be monthly beginning on Tuesday (11/18) at 2:30 p.m.  All are welcome.

Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity basketball this season should attend a meeting on Thursday, November 20th at 6:30 in the auditorium for the student/parent meeting.

Anyone wishing to play hockey this year should see Mr. Reilly and attend a meeting on Thursday, November 20th at Berkshire Schools hockey rink at 7:00 p.m.

Art All-State Massachusetts is an intense two-day program that brings together 145 high school juniors with artistic potential to create collaborative installations. Whether or you are currently enrolled in an art class or not you are invited to apply - please see Mrs. Clark in the art room for additional information - there is a December 1st application deadline.
Science Fiction + Fantasy Art Contest is happening now! Selected works to be displayed at the Annual Arisia Convention, which is New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy event taking place in January. The deadline to submit work is the week of December 15th so please see Mrs. Clark in the art room for additional information!
Attention all NHS students planning on working on a Service Learning Project - project proposals are due to Mr. Hall for review by November 21st.

The LYA Homework Help program will be in room A127 (Ms. Killion’s room).  Mon.-Thurs. at 2:30 p.m.

The following college reps will be at LMHS this week, you can sign up on Naviance to meet with them: Mount Ida College and Emmanuel College.  Scholarships are now being posted on Naviance.

Student planners are now available free on a first come, first serve basis for high school students.  Please stop by Mr. Brighenti's office if you are interested getting one.

Grades 9-12 students who are interested in helping with Community Suppers please see Mrs. Carroll or sign up in the main office.

Attention all 18 year olds: Voter registration cards will no longer be available in the guidance office. You must register in person at your town clerk's office.

Any male student who is 18 is required by law to register for selective service within 30 days of turning 18 and you must register to be eligible for financial aid.