Friday, January 16, 2015

Daily Announcements for 1/16/2015

The Monument Swim team, with some Lee Swimmers competing, has a big swim meet today at the Pittsfield Boys and Girls Club on Melville Street in Pittsfield.  Stop over today and support the swim team.  Anyone that goes to today's swim meet at 4:30 gets into the next home basketball game for FREE.  Go support our Lee Swimmers today!

Just a reminder: PE classes are only for the students enrolled in that class.  Please do not send students to the gym from Directed Studies or other classes.

Lee Youth Football will hold their banquet for PeeWees, Juniors, and Seniors on Saturday, January 24th at 1 p.m. at St. Mary’s School.

There will be a Student Council meeting today (1/16) after school in Mr. Trabka’s room.

Ms. Long will be holding an after-school group for stress/anxiety on Tuesday (1/20) at 2:30 p.m. in room C102.  All are welcome. 

Any junior interested in participating with the prom should come to a brief meeting Tuesday, Jan. 20th after school, in Ms. Patel's room.

Any student in Band, Chorus or Drama must sign up for a committee for the Bash with Ms. Fillio, Mr. Canon or Mrs. Feldman.  If you have not picked up your Winter Wonderland Bash packets please get them from Ms. Fillio in the Band Room ASAP. 

WILDCAT LANYARDS are available!!!  Please ask any junior or stop by their table during lunches to purchase your own!  The cost is $5.00 each.

Any senior that is interested in applying to Nichols College, please see Mr. Korte about a scholarship opportunity.

The Art Club will be meeting in the Art Room on Wednesdays, January, 21st, 28th, February 4th and 11th from 2:30 - 3:30 to work on two different drawing projects. Please see Mrs. Clark for activity details and questions.

If you are interested in singing the National Anthem for any of our home basketball games please see Mr. Reilly.  We are also looking for participants for a half time talent show during an upcoming basketball game at half-time.  Do you have an amazing talent that you can do in less than 60 seconds?  Prizes for the best 1/2 time act.   Please see Mr. Reilly.

The LYA Homework Help program will be in room library.  Mon.-Thurs. at 2:30 p.m.

Attention seniors: Scholarships are updated continually on Naviance, please check them often for new scholarships.

Student planners are now available free on a first come, first serve basis for high school students.  Please stop by Mr. Brighenti's office if you are interested getting one.

Attention all 18 year olds: Voter registration cards will no longer be available in the guidance office. You must register in person at your town clerk's office.

Any male student who is 18 is required by law to register for selective service within 30 days of turning 18 and you must register to be eligible for financial aid.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Stuffed crust pizza or deli and salad bar