Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Daily Announcements for 10/28/2015

Attention 7th and 8th Grade Basketball Girls - Tryouts for the 2015-2016 7/8 LYA Travel Team will take place on Thursday, November, 5th  from 6-8 at St. Mary’s School. *Please note that the number of teams we will have are dependent on the number of girls at tryouts. Tryouts are being held early to allow any player not chosen, or for those who would rather play on the high school’s JV team.  Please arrive at St.Mary’s no later than 5:45.

There will be a prom committee meeting today (10/28) after school in Mrs. Curry's Room.  Please try to attend.

There will be a High School Halloween Dance Monday Night (10/30) from 7-10.  The dance is for Lee High School students only.  The cost is $5.00.

The Kiwanis Club of Lee is holding their Annual “Stuff the Trailer.”  There will be a box in the main lobby area for food items and diapers until Friday, November 6th.  Please bring in these much needed items for families in need.

The Kiwanis Club will hold their Annual Halloween Party this Friday, October 30th at Lee Sportsmen Club from 5:30-7:30.  There will be a Costume Contest, Hayrides, refreshments, and fun!

There has been a change in the November Quiz Team Date.  The competition is on November 4th.  Please get your permission slips in.

Sophomores - It’s not too late to order your Class Rings! Additional orders will be taken tomorrow (10/29) from 7:30-8 a.m. in the cafeteria.  A $50 deposit is requested when placing your order.  Design your custom ring or class tag on-line at or pick up a jewelry packet in the main office.

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, November 2 through November 19 from 2:45-5:15 p.m.  Any student who will be 15 years and 9 months or older on November 2 can sign up in the main office.

The following college reps will visit the high school this week.  Any junior or senior who wants to meet with the rep can sign up on Naviance: Friday (10/30) Westfield State University.

The Jeans for Teens program will start today.  You can donate clothes to the box in the lobby, for each article donated; you will receive a raffle ticket for a Dunkin Donuts gift card.  This will run until the end of October.

High school students who would like to use one of the student planners can pick one up in the principal’s office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Hot dogs or clam rolls