Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Daily Announcements for 12/9/2015

Sophomores: The orders from Mixed Bag Designs are in - please stop in Mrs Verdi's room some time today to pick your orders up.

The LYA afterschool program is cancelled for this Friday (12/11).

The Freshman class will be selling Candygrams during lunches this week and next. Stop by the table in front of the cafeteria and send your friends something sweet!

Seniors please check your school gmail account for a few announcements from officers.

The Lee Library teen Space is offering some programs for December.  Mandala Mondays (12/7-12/28) from 3-4 p.m. Materials provided – Just come hang out and enjoy coloring these cool designs.  Wednesdays (12/2-12/30) – Teen Chess from 3-4 p.m.  Fridays (12/4-12/18) 3-4 p.m. – Teen LEGO Robotics - join us to build and program a robot.

Anyone interested in submitting a design to the Greylock Federal Credit Union Card Contest to receive a $100 gift card must drop off completed work to the art room by Friday December 18th! Everyone is invited to participate - for more information see Mrs. Clark.

Wildcat Lanyards are available from the senior class!!  They are only $5 each.  Please see Mrs. Amy Verdi or Ms. Patel to purchase.

Any student interested in applying to Nichols College should see Mr. Korte about an excellent scholarship opportunity ASAP.

Last chance for purchasing the 2016 yearbook at the new low cost; yearbook staff will be available outside the cafeteria for purchases and second payments this week. 

Attention Seniors: Class dues are $80 which can be paid in full or divided into 2 payments of $40 for Quarters 2 and 3.  Payments can be submitted on the school's website or to Mrs. Patel or Mrs. Verdi. If any student may have financial difficulty, please see Mr. Brighenti by December 23rd. 

High school students who would like to use one of the student planners can pick one up in the principal’s office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Chicken nuggets or spicy nuggets