Carnations will be on sale during both lunches for two
There will be a Helping Hands meeting after school on Thursday (2/11) in Mrs. Wade's Room.
Mugs that were made
during the Lock In have been fired and they are ready to be glazed. Students
please come to the art room after
school Tuesday and/or Thursday before break to learn how to
glaze them!

Quiz Team Match on Wednesday (2/10).
Bus leaves LMHS at 6. Let Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade know if you plan on
We have eight Lee Middle and High School students
participating in the 30th Annual Berkshire County High School Art Show hosted
by the Norman Rockwell Museum. Please join them at the opening reception tomorrow
(2/6) from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the museum on Route 183 in Stockbridge!
Wildcat Lanyards are available from the senior class!!
They are only $5 each. Please see Mrs. Amy Verdi or Ms. Patel to
Attention Seniors: Class dues are $80 which can be paid in
full or divided into 2 payments of $40 for Quarters 2 and 3. Payments can
be submitted on the school's website or to Mrs. Patel or Mrs. Verdi.
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Grilled ranch sandwich