Grades 8-11 - All scheduling selections are due to
guidance this Friday (4/15).
Students who signed up for the Color Run and did not yet pay
should get your $15 to Mrs. Verdi before vacation.
Students who were invited on the Lola Jaffe trip are
reminded to return your permission slips to Mrs. Verdi by Friday (4/15).
The Bidwell House Museum offers high school students with
an interest in history, particularly local Berkshire colonial history, the
opportunity to become a Youth History Scholar Intern during the summer. See Mr. Korte for more information.
There will be a GSA meeting today after school in Mrs. Amy Verdi's room
This week is Tech Week for “Annie” - rehearsal will be in
the Z from 3:30-6 today (4/12). All LES
Drama students will report to the Z on Wednesday (4/13) by 8:30 a.m. Performances are Thursday and Friday at 7:00
p.m. Call time for both days is 5:30
Prom tickets are now on sale. The cost is $50 per person. You may purchase your tickets during period 6
lunch on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays until April 27th. Checks should be made payable to Lee Middle
and High School. Any questions please
see Mrs. Curry or Mr. Hall.
The last Quiz Team Match of the year is next Wed., Apr. 13.
Bus leaves LMHS at 6:15. See Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade about going!
Attention Seniors - please be advised
that the deadline to submit art and written work for Orange Ink + The Senior
Art Show is this Friday
April 15th! Please see Mrs. Clark in the art room for additional
You are invited to celebrate all Senior Artists at the
annual Senior Art Show Reception.
This year 51 Park Tavern and Restaurant will be hosting
us on Thursday, April 28th from 5:00 -7:00 pm. Light refreshments
will be served.
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Hamburgers or cheeseburgers