Happy National Foreign Language Week! If you are
interested in participating in a scavenger hunt contest, see Madame Jarowski
for a BINGO card. There will be three prizes awarded. Winners will
be announced on
Fun fact #1 for National Foreign Language Week: There are 50,000 characters in the
Chinese language. You’ll need to know about 2,000 to read a newspaper.
We will have a fan bus to the girls WMASS Semi-finals today
(3/7) at the UMASS Cage. The bus will leave LMHS at 3:15 and
return around 7:30. The cost for the bus is $5.00, but you will get
your $5.00 back if you wear orange to the game!
Sign up today during lunch with Mr. Reilly. If any staff members
would like to join us as a chaperone, that would be appreciated.
There will be a boys’ and girls’ tennis
meeting after school in the café Thursday (3/9).
Tuesday, March 14th is PI Day. There will be a school wide
PI-Bee as one of the many activities planned for the day. If you are
interested in participating in the PI-Bee sign up with your math teacher.
The deadline to sign-up is Friday, March 10th. There may be a qualifying round on Monday, March 13th, IF NECESSARY. The top
three students who recite the most digits of PI will receive a prize.
Today (3/7), there will be a free workshop offered at the
Lenox Public Library at 6 p.m. called “How to Get More College
Financial Aid.” See Mr. Korte for information on how to register.
There will be Open House at Tanglewood on March 10
& 11 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for Summer ‘Youth Friendly’
Positions available for the 2017 season! See Mr. Korte for information.
The Social Justice Club will meet Wednesday (3/8)
after school in Mrs. McEvoy's room.
The Social Justice Club asks everyone to wear white this
Wednesday (3/8) in support of women's rights.
Second to last Quiz Team Match Wednesday (3/8). Bus
leave LMHS at 6. See Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade if you plan on attending!
Any boys interested in playing baseball should meet Wednesday (3/8) at 2:30 in
the cafeteria.
Seniors, let your parents know, that there is still space
for Baby Ads in the yearbook.

Attention all 10th graders: Do you love free pizza? Then sign
up with Mrs. Hudnall, so you can eat pizza and prepare for the MCAS on Tuesdays
and Thursdays after school from 2:30-3:30 in room
Any NHS student who needs community service, please check
outside Mr. Hall's door for some opportunities.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Mozzarella sticks