Thursday, April 27, 2017

Daily Announcements for 4/27/2017

Attention students traveling to Europe in 2018: If you haven't turned in your Yankee Candle fundraiser orders and money to Señora Antil, please do so immediately. Orders are being sent out this afternoon. See her with any questions. 

Any Lady Wildcat basketball player that still needs to turn in money for the banquet, please do so immediately. Mrs. Fera and Señora Antil are both collecting money. 

Biology MCAS Prep begins Tuesday, May 9th; every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30 p.m.  The test is June 5 & 6.  Please sign up with Mrs. Curry.

Any NHS member looking for volunteer hours, please check outside Mr. Hall's room for opportunities this week and next.

There will be a Prom Fashion Show for the Council on Aging on May 30.  Any juniors and seniors interested, see Mrs. Wade!!

Deadline for Orange Ink Submissions has been extended!  The new due date is Friday, April 28th.  All students welcome to submit all types of creative work to be included in the LMHS student publication - paintings, drawings, photographs, etc. and any type of writing.  See Mrs. Clark or Iris Courchaine for more information.

The LMHS Annual Color Run will be on May 6th this year.  See your English teacher or Ms. Ely for a registration form.  The color run is open to all ages, invite your family to participate! 

Lee Founders Weekend poster contest is open to all LMHS students – this is an art contest and the theme is Lee’s Founding Families – cash prizes for the finalists. Please head over to the art room for supplies and submission requirements. 

Haleigh Richardson & Erin Cook will be collecting donations for the Elizabeth Freeman Center!  There will be a box in the front hall.

Any NHS student who needs community service, please check outside Mr. Hall's door for some opportunities.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Pasta with meat sauce or marinara sauce