There are
still a few seniors who have not yet submitted a thank you note to Lola for
your wonderful gift last week; please get your note to Mrs. Verdi today.
Reminder to seniors: tonight (5/12) is the Senior Class Trip please be at the school no later than 5:15
p.m. No back packs or hand bags are allowed
at six flags on
Friday. Please see Mrs. Curry or Mr. Hall with any concerns.
It's National Pet Month! Please donate pet supplies to the
boxes located in various classrooms around the building. All supplies go
to animals in our community that desperately need them. Questions? See
Abby Brown, Alexa Tallboy, or Emelia Zukowski.
If anyone needs volunteer hours and would like to help out at
the youth baseball concession stand or is interested in a job umpiring youth
games please see Ms. Ely
Forms for summer volleyball opportunities are available in
the office.
Any students that are bringing a date from another school
to the prom need to see Mr. Reilly.
There will be a Prom Fashion Show for the Council on Aging on May 30.
Any juniors and seniors interested, see Mrs. Wade!!
Lee Founders Weekend poster
contest is open to all LMHS students – this is an art contest and the theme is
Lee’s Founding Families – cash prizes for the finalists. Please head over to
the art room for supplies and submission requirements.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
or hot dogs