Thursday, September 14, 2017

Daily Announcements for 9/14/2017

Attention 9th graders:  Class elections will be today during lunch!  Please check your school email today for information.

Anyone interested in signing up for the Founder’s Day 5K on Saturday, September 16 please see Ms. Smith for a registration form or sign up online at

The following college reps will visit the high school this week.  Any junior or senior who wants to meet with the rep can sign up on Naviance or in the office with Ms. Mottarella: on Friday (9/15) University at Albany SUNY at 9 a.m.

Any junior that signed up to bring in food or materials for the Taste of Lee, please bring your items either today or tomorrow to Señora in room D116. If you haven't signed up yet, please see Señora for what's still needed. 

The first High School Student Council meeting will be after school today in Mr. Trabka's room.  All representatives should plan to attend.  If you have a conflict, please speak to Mr. Trabka before the time of the meeting.

There will be a Helping Hands meeting after school on Tues., Sept. 19 in Mrs. Wade's Room.  Helping Hands is holding a collection during both lunches for Hurricane Relief.  Please consider donating!!

Sign-ups for Quiz Team, Academic Decathlon and Mock Trial are in the main office.

If you are currently in grades 9-12 and are interested in traveling to Spain and France in April during the break, please see Señora Antil in room D116 for more information. 

Any High School student that would like a Student Planner, please stop by the Principal’s office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, September 18 thru Tuesday, October 3 from 2:45-5:15 p.m.  Any student who will be 15 years and 9 months old on or before September 18 can sign up for the class in the main office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  turkey taco salad