Any juniors or seniors interested in taking a tour of
Springfield Technical Community College on Tuesday,
November 14th, should see Mr. Korte to sign up and get more information.
There will be a Helping Hands meeting after school today (10/25) in Mrs. Wade's room.
Yearbook staff will be outside the cafe to take deposits for
yearbooks on Thursday and Friday. We will hold your book at the low price as well as
enter you into a drawing for a Dunkin Donut gift card.
Jostens will be here on Tuesday, Oct. 31 during
lunches for ring sales.
Senior members of NHS, you must stop by
Mr. Hall’s room to sign up for a candidate!
There will be a Blood Drive on Monday,
October 30th. Anyone 16 years
old or older who would like to donate, sign-ups will be during second lunch.
There will be a Halloween Dance on
Saturday (10/28) from 7-10 p.m. for high school students. The cost is $7.00.
Any High School student that would
like a Student Planner, please stop by the Principal’s office.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Grilled cheese or grilled ham & cheese