Josten's is planning to deliver class rings
during both lunches on Wed., Jan. 3.
All passports for the European trip are due to
Señora Antil by Friday, January 12th. See her with any questions.
There will be a meeting Thursday (1/4) after
school in Mr. Fillio's room for anyone interested in Lee Live & the
communications club.
Middle School Chorus
for band members will meet after school today (Tuesday). Jazz Combo will meet after school on
will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday 1/8 thru Thursday 1/25 from
2:45-5:15 p.m. Any student who will be
15 years and 9 months old on or before January 8th can sign up for the class in
the main office.
18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can
do at
IS: Meatball grinders