Seniors: if you did not get measured for your
cap and gown yet, please see Mrs. Baker as soon as possible.
The final trip meeting
for all students going to Europe will be Tuesday, March 13th at
6pm in the LMHS Library. Check your email for more details. See Sra. Antil
with any questions.
The Class of 2019 is
holding a Dine to Donate at the Locker Room on Wednesday, March
14th during all business hours. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to the
junior class. Take out is also included in this. We thank you for your support!
The girls’ lacrosse players meeting will
be tomorrow (3/13).
Summer volleyball information is available in
the front office.
Spring Sports Sign-ups
are on Coach Thomson’s Athletic Office door.
18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can
do at
IS: French toast sticks