Middle School Chorus
for band members will meet after school today.
All course selections for next year must be
turned in by Monday (4/9).
There is one more spot available on the April
Lola Jaffe trip to NYC; see Mrs. Verdi today if you are interested; students
who are going on the trip are reminded to get permission slips to Mrs, Verdi
by Friday (4/6).
will be a Helping Hands Meeting on Monday, April 9th after school in
Mrs. Wade's room.
Quiz Team
Match Wed., April 11. You must see Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall if you are
There will be a quick
meeting today (4/4) for all Junior Class National Honor Society students
after school in Mr. Hall's Room.
The Talent Show is coming Friday,
April 13th at 7 pm in the theater. Student Admission is
$5--come see your friends rock out! Attention
Talent Show performers and all student council members: there will be a
mandatory brief informational meeting tomorrow (Thursday) immediately after school in Mr. Trabka's room.
Please see Mr. Trabka if you have a conflict.
Information for Kutsher’s Sports Camp is posted
on bulletin boards throughout the school – any questions see Coach Thomson.
On Sunday, April 8th
Monument Mountain Regional High School will hold their 35th Annual
College Fair from 6:30-8:30 p.m. All
students and parents are invited to attend.
Admission is free. Over 120
Colleges and Universities will be represented.
Summer volleyball information is available in
the front office.
18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can
do at www.sss.gov.
IS: Grilled cheese & soup