Friday, February 15, 2019

Daily Announcements for 2/15/2019

Costa Rica Travelers: our trip meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 26th. Check your email for important updates. See Señora with any questions. 

Seniors: The second half of your dues payment is due on Wednesday, February 27th. Money can be given to Señora Antil or to Mrs. Naventi. 

For anyone interested in performing in the Talent Show who missed yesterday's meeting-please sign up with Mr. Trabka

Students who took Sculpture Level One first semester please check in with Ms. Clark in the art room to take any projects not going into the annual art shows. Any projects not claimed will be disposed of.

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Friday, March 1 thru Friday, March 15 from 2:45-5:45 p.m. in room C107 (Mrs. Vale Cruz's room).  Any student who will be 15 years and 9 months old by March 1st can sign up for the class in the main office.

Reminder to Juniors to sell their 10 raffle tickets.  If you need more tickets please see Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Wilcox or Mrs. Briggs.  

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at  

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Cheese quesadilla