The sophomore class is selling snacks after school before practices! Stop by for a treat.
There will be a meeting today (10/15) for all Senior members of NHS in Mr. Hall's room immediately after school. Also, please check your e-mail.
Middle School Band lessons this week are Group X period B, Group Y period C, and Group Z period D. Students with Monday lessons can attend Tuesday or Wednesday this week.
Middle school chorus for band members will meet after school today.
Spirit Week this week! The week will culminate in a pep rally October, 18 the last hour of the day.
Here are the daily themes:
Western Wednesday
Throwback Thursday
Orange and Black Friday
If you still need to take your summer reading assessment (or need to finish it), please make an appointment in the principal's office.
Signups for Academic Decathlon, Quiz Team, and Mock Trial are in the front office. Any student interested should sign up. Any questions, please see Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall.
The following college reps will be at the school this week, any junior or senior who would like to meet with the reps can sign up on Naviance: today (10/15) The New School – all divisions (1 p.m.); Wed. (10/16) Rhode Island College (9 a.m.); Emmanuel College (10 a.m.), and Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (1 p.m.).
All student portal VISION accounts have been reset for the new year. Pick up your temporary password in the main office!
All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: French toast sticks