middle school band lessons are group x period b, group y period c, and group z
period d.
The environmental club will meet tomorrow
(1/29) during 2nd lunch in room A121.
There will be a Senior Class meeting this
Thursday at noon in the Z ...
Costa Rica Travelers: All Yankee Candle
fundraiser packets and money are due to Sra. Antil by Wednesday, January
29th. See her with any questions.
There will be a
meeting for seniors interested in preparing for the Seal of Biliteracy exam for
Spanish on Friday, January 31st in Sra. Antil's room at 2:30pm.
Please join us this Thursday the 30th at the
Lee Library for the Wildcat Alumni + Staff Art Exhibition from 5:30-7:30 - this
event is free and open to the public with light refreshments
18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can
do at
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Chicken patty sandwich