Middle school band lessons are group Z period A,
group X period C, and group Y period D
There is a Quiz Team match for today (3/11) has been cancelled.
There will be a meeting for grades 7-10 house
reps in Mrs. Verdi's room during both lunches today. Senior reps who signed up
for the April 16th event should also attend the second lunch meeting.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all Senior NHS
members on Monday, March 16th immediately after school.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all Junior NHS
members on Tuesday, March 17th immediately after school.
Attention Costa Rica travelers: On Thursday (3/12),
there will be a mandatory meeting for anyone that
participated in the plant fundraiser at 2:30pm in
Sra. Antil's classroom. All orders and money will be due
at that time.
There will be a College Planning Night tonight
(3/11) from 6-7pm in the LMHS Library. Juniors
and sophomores looking to get a head start on the
process are encouraged to attend. See Mr. Korte with
any questions.
There will be a meeting for all those interested in
Track and field in the gym today (3/11) right after school.
Spring sports sign-ups are in the main office.
All 18-year-old male students must register for the
Selective Service which you can do at www.sss.gov.
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Pasta w/meat or marinara sauce