School pictures will be Wednesday, October 21 for Odd students and Thursday, October 22 for Even students. Virtual students will be by appointment. Forms must be turned in to the main office before your scheduled picture day. Picture forms were mailed home but if you need one you can get a form in the main office. All staff and students need to get you r picture taken for your school ID.
Intramurals for tennis will begin Monday and Thursday 2:45 to 4 p.m. Intramural Conditioning will begin Monday and Wednesday 2:45 -4 p.m.
High school students who would like a student planner can pick one up in the Principal’s office.
There will be a GSA meeting in Mrs. Verdi's science room today (10/15) after school. If you are remote that day, please stop by or email Mrs. Verdi to get the zoom link to join us remotely.
All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Beef taco salad