Middle school band lessons are group B period 1, group C period 2, and group A period 5.
Picture Retakes will be this Wednesday (10/30). Any student who was absent on Picture Day can have their pictures taken. Any students having pictures retaken need to bring their picture packet to the camera with them. Forms are available in the office.
There will be a meeting this Thursday (10/31) after school in Mr. Fillio's room for anyone interested in joining the bowling team.
Winter Sports sign-ups are going on now! Check your school email for the signup link.
There is one additional spot available to any high school student who is interested in traveling to Costa Rica during the 2025 April break. Please see Mrs. Hall, Ms. Salvatore, or Ms. Steben if you have questions. It will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Hamburger or cheeseburger and BBQ sidewinder fries