Friday, March 4, 2016

Daily Announcements for 3/4/2016

The Junior class is selling chocolate bunnies for Easter.  Please see any Junior if you would like to purchase one.  

Juniors your orders are due to Mrs. Curry or Mr. Hall by Friday, March 11.

There will be a meeting for (3/4) anyone interested in playing baseball today in the cafeteria at 2:30 with the Coach.

Attention seniors:  Senior class dues must be paid in the next few weeks before the end of 3rd quarter.  You will not be able to participate in senior activities if dues are not paid.  Please see Mrs. A Verdi or Ms. Patel for payment.  $80, check made out to "LMHS Class of 2016"

All students who have gone on a Lola Jaffee trip or are on the list for spring, please stop by Mrs. Verdi's room today  to sign a card for Lola, who is receiving an award for her community work this weekend.

The Lee High School's drama program presents "Legally Blonde" tonighyt (3/4) at 7 p.m. and tomorrow (3/5) at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets will be on sale during both lunches. Tickets are $8 for students and senior, $10 for adults and at the 2 pm show tomorrow tickets are $4 for students.

Attention all high school students:  Helping Hands is having a Food Drive Competition.  There will be a box in each English Class to bring food in.  Freshmen bring it to Mrs. Verdi’s room, sophomores to Mrs. Hudnall, juniors to Mrs. McEvoy, and seniors to Ms. Smith.  Whichever grade brings in the most food wins an afternoon pizza party.

There will be a Quiz Team Match next Wednesday, March 9th.  The bus will leave LMHS at 6.  Please let Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade know if you are attending!

Any student who made 2nd quarter honor roll and is interested in a free ticket to a Celtics game should stop by the principal's office for a form.

Talent show auditions are coming! Stay tuned!

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Stuffed crust pizza