Congratulations to
the freshmen class for winning the Food Drive Competition! Pizza party details will be coming!
Sign up for fun! The sophomore
class is hosting a 5K Color Run on Saturday, April 30 at 9:00. Tee-shirts,
medals, refreshments, and lots of colorful fun. Pick up a registration paper
from any sophomore class officer or any English teacher.
The first auditions for the talent show will be tonight (3/8) at 6
p.m. in the theater.
If you are interested in performing, please come. Your act doesn't have
to be ready yet - just give us an idea!
The junior class is selling chocolate bunnies for
Easter. Please see any junior if you would like to purchase one.
Juniors your orders are due to Mrs. Curry or Mr. Hall by Friday,
March 11.
Freshmen: Don’t
forget the Yankee Candle Fundraiser ends March 11th. Either sell online or in the packets. If you have any questions see Senorita

Any boys interested in playing lacrosse please see Mr. Reilly
as soon as possible!
Anyone interested in playing softball there will be a
meeting in the cafeteria tomorrow (3/9) at 3:15 with the Coaches.
Boys’ and girls’ tennis will meet tomorrow (3/9) after
Anyone interested in running track with Lenox there will
be a brief meeting on Thursday, March 10th at 2:30 in the cafeteria
with the coach.
There will be a Girls’ Lacrosse meeting Thursday, March 10th in the cafeteria after school to meet
with Coach.
There will be a Quiz Team Match this Wednesday, March 9th.
The bus will leave LMHS at 6. Please let Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade know if
you are attending!
The middle school will hold a spaghetti dinner
on March 24th from 5:30- 7:00. The cost to attend the
spaghetti dinner is $ 5 for students and seniors and $10 for adults. Tickets
are on sale now. If interested, please see any middle school student or
The 33rd Annual College Fair at
Monument Mountain Regional High School will be held on Monday,
April 4th, 6:30-8:30. It is FREE and open to the public. This is a
great opportunity for younger students to start the college search process. See
Mr. Korte for more details.

Attention seniors: Senior class dues must be paid
in the next few weeks before the end of 3rd quarter. You will not be able
to participate in senior activities if dues are not paid. Please see Mrs.
A Verdi or Ms. Patel for payment. $80, check made out to "LMHS Class
of 2016"
Any student who made 2nd quarter honor roll and is interested
in a free ticket to a Celtics game should stop by the principal's office for a
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Hot dog or clam roll