Anyone interested in playing a fall sport should meet
with their coach after school:
Girls Soccer Tuesday, May 31st in the cafeteria
Cross Country Running Wednesday, June 1st in
Mrs. Briggs Room (B121)
Football Wednesday, June 1st in the gym
Golf Wednesday, June 1st in the library
Volleyball Wednesday, June 1st in the cafeteria
Any member of National Honor Society who has not yet
handed in their points cards, please make sure to do so. No points will be
accepted after June 1st. If you need points, stop by and see Mr.
Hall. He has some different opportunities.
The Relay for Life representative will
be back Thursday (5/26) at lunch if anyone is interested in volunteering or
donating please see her.
The Lee Elementary School will be having a Music Concert
and Arts Show in the Z. On Thursday
(5/26) at 7 p.m. for 5th and 6th grade students. Please come and support our younger students.
Many new summer job opportunities have
recently been posted on the college and career center job postings board. If
you're looking to make some extra money this summer, come check it out!
Students are reminded to start cleaning out your PE
There are several summer volleyball opportunities for
students entering grades 7-12. Papers are available in the main office.
Attention seniors - if you have pictures
that you'd like in the Class Night slideshow, get them to Katie Zatorski by today (5/25)!
Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA has seasonal food service
job opportunities for the summer and part-time positions during the
year. This is a GREAT training opportunity for anyone interested in
attending culinary school, but is not limited to only those interested in a
career in the culinary field! See Mr. Korte for more information.
Bidwell House Museum offers high school students with an interest in history,
particularly local Berkshire colonial history, the opportunity to become a
Youth History Scholar Intern during the summer.
See Mr. Korte for more information.
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Barbeque rib sandwich