Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Daily Announcements for 9/21/2016

The library will be open from 2:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday.

Auditions for the Fall Festival of Shakespeare will be held today (9/21) and tomorrow (9/22) in the "Z" from 3-5 and 6-8. All are welcome! You can attend one session or all.

The first GSA meeting, for all students who are interested in joining, will be held on Tuesday (9/27) right after school in D123, please see Ms. Ely if you would like more information. 

Seniors who would like to attend the BCC College Fair on October 6th can sign up in the office.  There will be a $5 bus fee.

The Walk for the Homeless for Construct is on Sunday, Sept. 25th.  See Mrs. Brouker for details.

It is time to nominate high school juniors for Art All State! If you are an artist or someone you know would be interested in participating in this amazing opportunity by representing Lee Middle and High School in an eventful weekend of creating art please see Mrs. Clark in the Art Room for additional information.

Yearbook is looking for artists to submit artwork for the 2017 Yearbook Cover.  If you are interested submitting work, it must be in by this week. Stop by Mrs. Armstrong's room for details and an example.

Any high school students that would like a planner please see Mrs. Baker as soon as possible.  There are limited quantities, so first come, first served.

Anyone that is interested in joining a fall sports team should see Mr. Reilly.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Baked or BBQ chicken