Anyone who would like to help out in your community by
working at the Lee Food Pantry this Saturday from 9:30-12 please stop and speak
with Profe.
The following college reps will visit the high school next week. Any junior or senior who wants to meet with
the rep can sign up on Naviance or in the office with Ms. Mottarella: Monday (10/3)
UMass Lowell at 10 and UMass Dartmouth at 11; Thursday (10/6) Simmons College
at 12:30; Friday (10/6) MCLA at 9 Stony Brook University at 10.
Sign-ups for Quiz Team, Academic
Decathlon and Mock Trial are now in the front office.
Seniors who would like to attend the BCC College Fair on
October 6th can sign up in the office. There will be a $5 bus fee.
Any high school students that would like
a planner please see Mrs. Baker as soon as possible. There are limited quantities, so first come,
first served.