There will be a basket raffle at both lunches from today
to Wed. (12/22) to raise money for Huntington’s Disease research. See Sina Zabian for details.
All students planning to travel to Europe during April
break 2018, please turn in your faculty recommendations, application, and
deposit to Sra. Antil before break.
Today (12/15), the students and staff of the Functional
Life Skills Program will be having their 12th Annual Holiday Store.
Please come out and see them in the lobby during both lunches, and take
some chances on some wonderful raffle items. Chances will be $1.00 each,
or 6 for $5.00.
Middle School Jazz Band will meet after school today
Yearbook staff members will be available
for taking payments and last minute orders on Tuesday (12/20) during
lunch. Time is running out to order your 2017 Yearbook.
Josten’s will
be delivering Class Ring orders next Tuesday (12/20) during lunches.
Mrs. Connors’ room is asking for donations of cat or dog
food, towels, blankets, pet toys, any items that can be used for animals please
bring them to the main office.
From December 19-22 there will be a box in the front hall
collecting all donations for the Soldier On facility. A wish list is posted around the school. Students in art classes will be making
Holiday cards for the veterans; however, if you are not in art class and would
like to participate, you can make a card after school on December 20th. Any questions see Madison DeSantis.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Pasta w/meat or marinara sauce