There will be a meeting for all NHS members today (12/7) in
Mr. Hall's room right after school.
The LMHS Social Justice Club will meet today
(12/7) after school in Room
C103. All students and faculty are welcome to join.
There will be a quiz team match on Wed. Dec.
14. The bus will leave LMHS at 6pm. Let Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall
know if you are attending!!!!
Mrs. Connors’ room is asking for donations of cat or dog
food, towels, blankets, pet toys, any items that can be used for animals please
bring them to room C101.
From December 19-22 there will be a box in the front hall
collecting all donations for the Soldier On facility. A wish list is posted around the school. Students in art classes will be making
Holiday cards for the veterans; however, if you are not in art class and would
like to participate, you can make a card after school on December 20th. Any questions see Madison DeSantis.
The 31st Annual Berkshire County High
School Art Show is coming up at The Norman Rockwell Museum and ALL LMHS
students are invited to participate. Submit artwork of any kind to Mrs. Clark
or Mrs. Armstrong before we leave for Christmas Break. A faculty jury will
select the TOP 10 pieces to represent Lee Middle and High School and there will
be an Exhibition Opening Event which everyone can attend.
For those students interested in traveling, faculty
recommendations for the European 2018 trip are due by Friday, December
9th. See Señora Antil or Madame Ely with any questions.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
taco salad