Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Daily Announcements for 4/2/2019

Middle School Band Lessons are Group Z period B, Group Y period D.

There will be a Class of 2022 meeting (Freshmen Class) at the end of first lunch on Thursday (4/4)!!
Seniors:  The Lee Education Association scholarship application is available on the guidance website for any senior who is going into teaching.

Orange Ink the LMHS creative student publication is having an open call for written + visual works of art... All students in 7th-12th grades are invited to submit work. All themes and mediums are welcome. Work must be turned in to the art room by Friday, April 12th. Please see Mrs. Clark in the art room with any questions.

Support the junior class raffle!!!  Prizes are 4 Red Sox tickets (weekend game TBD) or 4 rounds of Golf w/cart and sweatshirt at Greenock Country Club or 2-month membership to Soules Fitness or Lee Wildcat Apparel.  There will be five winners.  See any junior for a ticket.  Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20.  The drawing will be held on April 12. Reminder to Juniors to sell their 10 raffle tickets.  If you need more tickets please see Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Wilcox or Mrs. Briggs.  

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at www.sss.gov. 

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Meatball grinders