Monday, April 29, 2019

Daily Announcements for 4/29/2019

Seniors - the Lee Kiwanis has extended their Scholarship deadline to April 30.

Registration forms for the Color Run are in the main office.  Tell all your friends!

Last Chance, the yearbook staff is currently working on the Senior Slideshow for class night.. Please bring any photos to Mrs. Armstrong by May 3rd. Upper elementary through middle school photos are greatly appreciated.

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning today (4/29) thru Fri., May 10 from 2:45-5:15 Monday-Friday.  You must be 15 years and 9 months old on or by today to sign up for the class. You can sign up for the class in the main office.

Summer volleyball forms are available in the main office

Prom tickets will go on sale starting today (4/29).  Ticket price will be $55.00 each.  Tickets will be sold through Wednesday, May 15th.

Open Art Studio will be happening after school on Thursday May 2nd - Liquid Poured Paintings - please sign up with Mrs. Clark in the art room to reserve your spot and for additional information.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at 

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Chicken patty on whole wheat roll