- at
breakfast (including Flex) students must take a fruit or juice for
the meal to be free.
- at lunch students
must take three components as shown on the signs, and one must be 1/2 cup
of fruit or vegetable, for the meal to be free.
We will have a bowl of fruit at the
register and If a student refuses to take a fruit, the meal must be charged at
full price. Please understand that we do not have a choice on this --
these are the rules from the government for your lunch to be free!
Middle school band lessons are group B period 1, group C period 2, and group A period 5.
Middle school jazz band will meet after school on Thursday.
Middle School art club will be meeting in Mrs. Armstrong’s room after school today.
It's time to sign up for spring sports! Students, check your email for the signup link.
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Shepard’s Pie