Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Daily Announcements for 2/26/2025


  • at breakfast (including Flex) students must take a fruit or juice for the meal to be free.
  • at lunch students must take three components as shown on the signs, and one must be 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable, for the meal to be free.

We will have a bowl of fruit at the register and If a student refuses to take a fruit, the meal must be charged at full price.  Please understand that we do not have a choice on this -- these are the rules from the government for your lunch to be free!

Middle school band lessons are group A period 1, group B period 2, and group C period 4.

There will be a free field trip to the Career Fair at BCC on Tuesday, March 11. Any Senior planning on attending BCC or interested in science should see Mrs. Verdi for a permission slip and return the signed form by Friday, March 7. 

It's time to sign up for spring sports!   Students, check your email for the signup link.

TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Taco salad