Monday, September 28, 2015

Daily Announcements for 9/28/2015

Seniors who are interested in signing up for the BCC College Fair on Thursday, October 8 can sign up in the main office.  A signed permission slip must be returned to the office by Tuesday, October 6 to attend.

The following college reps will visit the high school this week.  Any junior or senior who wants to meet with the rep can sign up on Naviance: today (9/28), Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Emmanuel College; Tuesday (9/29), Sacred heart University; and Wednesday (9/30) Nichols College.

If any students are interested in singing the National Anthem for any football, volleyball, or soccer games please see Mr. Reilly.

Construct Walk for the Homeless is Sunday, October 18.  Registration is at 12:30 starts at Ski Butternut to Great Barrington Fairgrounds.  Food, fun, music by Wanda Houston.  See Mrs. Brouker for more details.

High school students who would like to use one of the student planners can pick one up in the principal’s office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Chicken nuggets or spicy nuggets