Class officers for the senior class of 2016 are as follows:
President - Samantha Goyette, Vice President - Sierra Palardy, Treasurer -
Emily Donovan, Secretary - Karen Hernandez.
There will an officers meeting Wednesday Sept. 09 at lunch in
Ms. Patel's room.
The results of the SC election are as follows: Freshmen
Reps are: Jillian Artioli, Emily Hadsell, Stone Murphy, Homer Winston;
Sophomore Reps are: Shane Cloutier, Alyssa Heath, Skylar Pietras,
Khali Zabian; Junior Reps are: Abigail Brown, Madison DeSantis,
Kendra Williams, Emilia Zukowski; Senior Reps are: Rachel Adams,
Amy Goss, Sammy Goyette, Megan Scapin.
Our first meeting will be next Thursdsay after school in Mr. Trabka's
room. Please speak to Mr Trabka if you have a conflict.
A representative from New
England Institute of Technology will be in the guidance office at 10:30 this
morning. Any student interested in
meeting with the rep can report to the guidance office at 10:30 with your
teacher’s permission.
Anyone running for junior class officers please submit
your typed essay to Mrs. Curry or Mr. Hall by today (9/4).
Prom committee sign-up sheet is posted outside Mrs.
Curry's room for any junior wishing to sign up.
Mr. Hall is looking for some National Honor Society
students who are interested in doing some community service during Founder's Day.
Anyone interested please see Mr. Hall this week.
Signups for Decathlon, Quiz Team, and Mock Trial are
posted in the office.
Do you have a special talent you’ve been working on and
are ready to show an audience? Live
comedy/variety show with performances at the Spectrum in Lee in late September
(9/25 & 9/26) seeks young variety performers, including plate spinners,
stand-up comics, jugglers, magicians, unusual singing acts, musicians (small
bands, jazz combos, etc), and other. Contact
Liv Cummins: or
call 413/243-4306.
There will be a
Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, Sept. 14 Tues., Sept. 29 from 2:45-5:15
Monday-Friday. You must be 15 years and
9 months old on or by September 14 to sign up for the class. You can sign up
for the class in the main office.
High school students
who would like to use one of the student planners can pick one up in the
principal’s office.
IS: Stuffed crust pizza