School picture day is tomorrow, September 4. Remember all students and staff must have your picture taken for your ID’s. If you are buying a packet, you must have your picture form and payment with you when you go to the camera.
All student portal VISION accounts have been reset for the new year. Pick up your temporary password in the main office!
High school students wanting a planner ... you can pick one up in the Principal's Office
There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday, Sept 23 thru Monday, Oct. 7 from 3:00-5:30 Monday-Friday. You must be 15 years and 9 months old on or by today to sign up for the class. You can sign up for the class in the main office.
The Founder's Day 5k which benefits the cross country team will be held Saturday, Sept 14 at 8 a.m. See Ms Smith or visit www. to sign up.
Anyone wanting to purchase a 'Khali Strong' bracelet for $5, please see Ms. Patel in room C111
All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Chicken fajitas