Thursday, March 5, 2015

Daily Announcements for 3/5/15

The spring sports parents meeting will be held next Thursday, March 12th at 6:30pm in the auditorium.

Teachers will have until tomorrow to enter their grades for progress reports.

Next Monday - Girls Tennis will meet at 2:30 in the library, Girls Lacrosse will meet in the cafeteria at 3pm and softball will meet in Mrs. Roosa’s at 2:30.

There will be a Quiz Team match on Wed. Mar. 11th.  The bus leaves at 5:40.  Please let Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade know if you are planning on attending by Tuesday Mar. 10th.

Celebrate National School Breakfast Week - Students, come in for breakfast and put your name in for a drawing to win a $15 Itunes gift certificate or one of 2 $5 Knead a Bagel gift certificates.  The winners will be drawn on Friday, March 6th.

Any senior, who has not yet gone on a Lola Jaffee trip and would like to be considered for one in May, should see Mrs. Verdi as soon as possible to apply.

The semi-formal dance has been rescheduled for Friday, March 13th, from 7-10 pm. 

The third $25 payment for yearbook orders are due, Drawing for the Dunkin Donut Gift Card will be Thursday.  Last chance to order your yearbook and Baby Ads.

WILDCAT LANYARDS are available!!!  Please see any junior to purchase your own!  The cost is $5.00 each.

The LYA Homework Help program will be in room library.  Mon.-Thurs. at 2:30 p.m.

Student planners are now available free on a first come, first serve basis for high school students.  Please stop by Mr. Brighenti's office if you are interested getting one.

Attention all 18 year olds: Voter registration cards will no longer be available in the guidance office. You must register in person at your town clerk's office.

Any male student who is 18 is required by law to register for selective service within 30 days of turning 18 and you must register to be eligible for financial aid.