Friday, April 3, 2015

Daily Announcements for 4/3/2015

There is no girls’ tennis practice today.  Practice will be Monday at 2:45 p.m. on the LMHS tennis courts.

Any Caribbean travelers who have not turned in their order forms and money for the fundraiser, please hand in those materials before the end of the day today to Madame Ely. Orders not turned in today will not be able to be processed.

There will be the last Quiz Team match next Wed. Apr. 8.  Bus leaves at 6:10.  Please let Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall know if you plan on attending by Tuesday!!

On Wednesday, April 8th, at 6 pm in the LMHS Library there will be a College Planning Night for all parents and students interested in learning more the college application process. All juniors who will be applying to 4-year colleges and universities in the fall are strongly encouraged to attend.  Younger students looking to get a jump start on learning about this process are welcome to attend as well.  See Mr. Korte with any questions.

The 2015 Student Trooper Program, an intensive one week, residential learning experience in July for young adults, ages 15 thru 17.  If you are interested in the program please see Mr. Korte for an application.

After School Art Club will meet Wednesday, 8th from 2:30 - 3:30 for Japanese Watercolor Lanterns.

Students who signed up for the Lola Jaffee trip, please pick up paperwork from Mrs. Verdi.

Summer volleyball information is available on the counter in the main office.