Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Daily Announcements for 6/2/2015

Students are reminded that all library materials must be returned to the library by Wednesday, June 10th. Students who do not return materials will be billed for replacements costs.  Please see Mrs. Consolati with any questions.

There will be a meeting (6/2) in Mrs. Roosa's room immediately after school for anyone interested in playing girls soccer next year.

All varsity baseball players please return all CLEAN uniforms (all 3 pieces) to your coach Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

All PE classes are reminded to clean out your PE lockers.  Please wear shorts and sneakers to PE classes.

There will be a Caribbean Travelers meeting this Wednesday, June 3rd in Srta. Barbaglia's room at 2:30 pm. All travelers are expected to attend this meeting.

We will be having after school art club on both Wednesday (6/3) and Thursday (6/4) from 2:30 - 3:30.

An elderly couple in East Otis are looking to hire a student to help them pack up the cottage that they just sold.  They will negotiate fair pay.  Please see poster in the guidance office for information.

Summer volleyball information is available on the counter in the main office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  BBQ ribs or deli & salad bar