Friday, October 16, 2015

Daily Announcements for 10/16/2015

Sophomores - It’s time to order your Class Rings! Ring orders will be taken on Monday, October 19th at a Parent Night from 5-6 p.m. in the cafeteria and Tuesday, October 20th during all lunches in the cafeteria.  A $50 deposit is requested when placing your order.  Design your custom ring or class tag on-line at or pick up a jewelry packet in the main office.

All Caribbean travelers: Please turn in all Yankee Candle orders and money to Srta. Barbaglia this week. Orders will be accepted until today. 

Three new art contests are now posted outside the art room! Blick Art Materials Day of the Dead, Cool Science Climate Change and Doodle 4 Google: What Makes Me, Me! For additional information please see Mrs. Clark in the art room.  (Run thru 10/16)

REMINDER: Construct Walk for the Homeless is this Sunday, October 18.  Registration is at 12:30 starts at Ski Butternut to Great Barrington Fairgrounds.  Food, fun, music by Wanda Houston.  See Mrs. Brouker for more details.

The Jeans for Teens program will start today.  You can donate clothes to the box in the lobby, for each article donated; you will receive a raffle ticket for a Dunkin Donuts gift card.  This will run until the end of October.

If any students are interested in singing the National Anthem for any football, volleyball, or soccer games please see Mr. Reilly.

Ski Butternut will be here on Tuesday, October 27th during both lunches to recruit workers for this winter.  If you are interested please visit the Ski Butternut table.

High school students who would like to use one of the student planners can pick one up in the principal’s office.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS: Stuffed crust pizza