Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Daily Announcements for 2/10/2016

Carnations will be on sale during both lunches for two dollars. 

There will be a Helping Hands meeting after school on Thursday (2/11) in Mrs. Wade's Room.

Mugs that were made during the Lock In have been fired and they are ready to be glazed. Students please come to the art room after school today and/or Thursday before break to learn how to glaze them!

Quiz Team Match tonight (2/10).  Bus leaves LMHS at 6.  Let Mr. Hall or Mrs. Wade know if you plan on attending!!

Wildcat Lanyards are available from the senior class!!  They are only $5 each.  Please see Mrs. Amy Verdi or Ms. Patel to purchase.

Attention Seniors: Class dues are $80 which can be paid in full or divided into 2 payments of $40 for Quarters 2 and 3.  Payments can be submitted on the school's website or to Mrs. Patel or Mrs. Verdi.