Friday, March 31, 2017

Daily Announcements for 3/31/2017

There is no boys' tennis practice today.  there will be practice tomorrow - weather permitting.  Boys who are new to the team this year will practice in the gym from 12:15-1:00 tomorrow and boys that were on the team last year will practice from 11:30-12:15 tomorrow in the gym.

Juniors and Seniors:  Please see Mrs. Wade if you would like to sign up as a volunteer for Special Olympics on May 3.

Any students in grades 8-11 who were not present at the scheduling assembly on Friday should see their guidance counselor.

The Talent Show still has room for performers--We will be holding another audition Tues. (4/4) in the Theater at 6pm-please speak to Mr. Trabka if you are interested.  Talent Show is Thursday, April 13th.

Seniors - One last reminder that your Senior Class dues are due to Mr. Hall or Mrs. Curry by Monday (4/3).  Also, don't forget to turn in your Senior Class Trip form as well.

Town of Otis and G. Marconi Lodge scholarships must be postmarked by April 1st.

Four of our seniors have applied for the Hood Sportsmanship Scholarship.  Please go to to vote.  Once you register you can once a day, every day from today through April 10th.  These students need your votes to receive the scholarship.  Our four seniors are Patrick Finnegan, Samantha Passetto, Karli Retzel, and Kendra Williams.

Lauren Durken will be collecting donations for her Project 351 Spring Service “Cradles to Crayons” from March 27th-April 7th.  She will be collecting gently-used clothing (sizes infant to adult medium), shoes (sizes infant – adult size 10), and toys.  Your generous donations will go to kids in need through the organization called “Cradles to Crayons.”  The box for donations is in the main lobby.

The music department will be having a coffee house fund raiser tomorrow (4/1) from 2-5 PM at the Congregational Church.  Current and former students will be performing, coffee and treats will be available. 

Juniors: It's time to start thinking about the college application process! We're excited to offer the following two opportunities to help you get started. There are also flyers for each of these events with more information.

College Planning Night - Wednesday, April 5th at 6 pm in the LMHS Library Topics will include: Building your college list, college admission requirements, admissions plans, components of the application, Naviance, Common Application, SAT and ACT, the college essay, requesting transcripts, letters of recommendation, interviews, financial aid, time for questions and answers, and more.

College Application Essentials Workshop Series Start your senior year prepared and ready for the college application process. Workshops will run during period 6 lunch. Students will be allowed to go to the front of the line, get their lunch, and bring it to room B123 (across the hall from the cafe). We will begin at 12:20, so please be prompt. Juniors must be registered for the workshops in advance. The cost is $20 and includes a copy of the Fiske Guide to Colleges 2017 ($24.99 value). To register, bring cash or a check made out to ‘LMHS’ to Mr. Korte by Friday, April 14. Financial assistance available upon request for students qualified for free/reduced lunch.

Monument Mountain Regional High School Guidance Department will hold their 33rd Annual College Fair this Sunday (4/2) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. There will be free admission and over 120 Colleges and Universities represented.

The LMHS Annual Color Run will be on May 6th this year.  See your English teacher or Ms. Ely for a registration form.  If you would like to choose your shirt size, be sure to sign up by April 3rd!  The color run is open to all ages, invite your family to participate! 

The deadline to submit work to the LMHS creative student publication, Orange Ink, is today (3/31). If you have 2D artwork such as paintings and drawings, or pictures of 3D work such as sculptures for the 2017 edition please see Ms. Clark ASAP.

Lee Founders Weekend poster contest is open to all LMHS students – this is an art contest and the theme is Lee’s Founding Families – cash prizes for the finalists. Please head over to the art room for supplies and submission requirements. 

Haleigh Richardson & Erin Cook will be collecting donations for the Elizabeth Freeman Center!  There will be a box in the front hall.

Attention Seniors: You have until Monday (4/3) to pay your class dues of $80.  Please see Mr. Hall or Mrs. Curry with any questions or concerns.  Checks payable to: Lee Middle and High School.

Any NHS student who needs community service, please check outside Mr. Hall's door for some opportunities.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Hamburger or cheeseburger