Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Daily Announcements for 5/23/2017

Biology MCAS Prep will be Wednesday and Thursday this week.

All football players are asked to bring in items for the Football Golf Tournament.  Items can be given to Lukas Loehr by May 31st.

Yearbooks will be distributed on Wednesday (5/31). If you still have an outstanding balance please see Mrs. Armstrong. Extra books are being sold for $65 on a first come basis. 

It's National Pet Month! Please donate pet supplies to the boxes located in various classrooms around the building.  All supplies go to animals in our community that desperately need them. Questions?  See Abby Brown, Alexa Tallboy, or Emelia Zukowski.

If anyone needs volunteer hours and would like to help out at the youth baseball concession stand or is interested in a job umpiring youth games please see Ms. Ely 

Forms for summer volleyball opportunities are available in the office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at www.sss.gov.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Lasagna roll-ups