Friday, December 22, 2017

Daily Announcements for 12/22/2017

The Library will close at 2:30 on today.  All students should plan to leave the building as soon as possible after school ends today.

Josten's is planning to deliver class rings during both lunches on Wed., Jan. 3.

Seniors who enjoyed Lola Jaffee's gift last week are reminded to get thank-you notes for her to Mrs. Verdi pronto. They were due last Friday

There will be a Driver’s Ed class beginning Monday 1/8 thru Thursday 1/25 from 2:45-5:15 p.m.  Any student who will be 15 years and 9 months old on or before January 8th can sign up for the class in the main office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  French bread pizza