Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Daily Announcements for 11/13/2019

Prom Committee meeting this Friday (11/15) at Lunch in Ms. Heck's room.

Josten’s will be here on November 22nd during lunch to take class ring orders.  Extra forms are available in the office.

November 19 will be the next Quiz Team Match at Wahconah High School.  Please see Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall if you plan on attending!

The Lee Kiwanis “Stuff the Trailer” box is in the main lobby.  Please bring any non-perishable food items and/or diapers in through Friday, November 15th.
The following college reps will be at the school this week, any junior or senior who would like to meet with the reps can sign up on Naviance:  today (11/13) Nichols College (9 a.m.) and Plymouth State University (10 a.m.); Thurs. (11/14) Johnson & Wales University (10 a.m.) and STCC (1 p.m.).
All student portal VISION accounts have been reset for the new year.  Pick up your temporary password in the main office!
All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at 

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  ½ day – no lunch