Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Daily Announcements for 12/4/2019

The Winter Concert is still on for tomorrow (12/5)!

There will be a mandatory meeting of the Social Justice Club tomorrow (12/4) during second lunch.  Please bring your lunch and meeting in room C103, Mrs. McEvoy's room, as soon as possible.

Winter sports sign-ups are on the weight room door. 

Seniors it is time to get in your recognition ads in for the 2020 yearbook. Please see Mrs. Armstrong or any yearbook staff member for information to take home. 

Attention Bowling team members, please get your forms to Mr. Fillio ASAP.

Yearbooks are now $55; prices go up this Friday (12/6). Save the lower price by making a deposit with Mrs. Armstrong or go online.

All student portal VISION accounts have been reset for the new year.  Pick up your temporary password in the main office!
All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at 

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Chicken nuggets