Monday, October 26, 2020

Daily Announcements for 10/26/2020

There will be a Helping Hands meeting after school tomorrow (10/27).  Any odd students report to Mrs. Wade's room after school.  Any Even students interested in joining, stop by Mrs. Wade to sign up for the Zoom.

The houses are hosting a Halloween costume and trivia competition on Thursday and Friday. Remember to dress up and you'll have a chance to win trivia in a special homeroom period. Costumes should follow the school dress code and not interfere with our face mask policy.

If you are interested in joining Quiz Team, please see Mrs. Wade or Mr. Hall to sign up for a Zoom meeting that will be on Monday, Nov. 2 at 4 p.m. 

High school students who would like a student planner can pick one up in the Principal’s office.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Chicken pattie sandwich