Join Lee Middle and High School and Hoosac Valley High School as they join together to support the Berkshire County Sheriff’s Office ‘Toys for Tots’ Campaign. Donations boxes will be next to the ticket table at this Saturday’s (10/23) football game to place all donations. Toys and games should be new. Monetary donations will be accepted, too. The game starts at 1:30 p.m.
The Freshman class will be selling pumpkin and boo candy grams, Monday through Thursday of next week during both lunches. Send your friends and teachers a special treat for Halloween. Candy grams are $1 apiece and will be delivered to students and staff on Friday, 10/29.
Teachers and staff: please consider donating a bag of candy to help make Trunk or Treat extra special for our LES students. Please bring your bag of candy to Mrs. Maddalena by Thursday, 10/28.
This is the last week that yearbooks will be at their lowest price at $50.
Middle School Band lessons this week are group
A period 2, group B period 3, group C period 5.
All 18-year-old male
students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at
toast sticks