Monday, February 7, 2022

Daily Announcements for 2/7/2022

Today (2/7) is the last day to turn in your Acts of Kindness. If you complete an Act of Kindness, go see Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Hudnall, or Mr. McCormack to report it.  If you happen to capture a picture or video, please share it with one of us. Those that participate, will be entered to win one of three Dunkin' gift cards.

The Lee Lions Club will hold its annual Jeans for Teens Drive during the month of February.  Donations of new or slightly used jeans can be placed in the bin in the mail lobby.  Donations will be given to local shelters.  Please help your neighbors in need.

All 18-year-old male students must register for the Selective Service which you can do at

TODAY’S LUNCH IS: Cheese quesadilla