Friday, February 9, 2024

Daily Announcements for 2/9/2024

Any students in grades 8-11 who were absent on Thursday for the scheduling class meetings should see Mr. Korte for a course selection form!

Spring sports sign-ups were emailed to all students.  Check your email for info.

PEER would like to remind you that next week is spirit week. Wear you comfy PJ's on Monday and plan for a Dynamic Duo on Tuesday!

There are still several spots available to students interested in traveling to Costa Rica during the 2025 April break.  See Ms. Hall, Ms. Steben, or Ms. Salvatore if you have any questions.

Attention seniors: Class dues of $100 are due by April 26th.  Your senior dues need to be paid in order for you to participate in any of the end of the year activities.  If you have any questions, please see Linda Wilcox.

Any high school student that would like an agenda can pick one up in the office.

TODAY’S LUNCH IS:  Cheese or pepperoni pizza