Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Daily Announcements for 11/25/2014

Monday, December 1st is picture retake day.  Any student who missed picture day or needs to have their packets redone can pick up a form in the main office.

Anyone participating in a winter sport that needs to take the baseline concussion test please see Mrs. Consolati today (Tuesday).

There will be a Helping Hands meeting on Wed. Dec 3 after school in Mrs. Wade's room.

There will be Mock Trial Practice Thursday Dec. 4 after school in Mr. Hall's room. 

The 10th Annual Gingerbread House competition will be held on Sunday, December 14th from 1 to 3pm at the Lenox Town Library.  Adults, families and students are welcome to enter the competition. This year’s theme is the ‘Nutcracker sweet home’.  Information and registration forms are available in the main office and Mr. Duquette's office.

Attention all students wanting to submit written or artistic work to Orange Ink - the deadline is the week we return from Thanksgiving break. Please bring submissions or questions to Mrs. Clark or Mr. Scheuler as soon as possible!  

Science Fiction + Fantasy Art Contest is happening now! Selected works to be displayed at the Annual Arisia Convention, which is New England's largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy event taking place in January. The deadline to submit work is the week of December 15th so please see Mrs. Clark in the art room for additional information!
The LYA Homework Help program will be in room A127 (Ms. Killion’s room).  Mon.-Thurs. at 2:30 p.m.

Attention seniors: Scholarships are updated continually on Naviance, please check them often for new scholarships.

Student planners are now available free on a first come, first serve basis for high school students.  Please stop by Mr. Brighenti's office if you are interested getting one.

Attention all 18 year olds: Voter registration cards will no longer be available in the guidance office. You must register in person at your town clerk's office.

Any male student who is 18 is required by law to register for selective service within 30 days of turning 18 and you must register to be eligible for financial aid.

TODAY'S LUNCH IS:  Stuffed crust pizza or deli and salad bar